Arena di Verona

The project involves works that point in two different directions: conservation and structural adjustment on the one hand, safety and technological innovation on the other. The final project identifies the main design themes aimed at the conservation and use of the Amphitheater: completion of the sealing of the steps of the cavea; refurbishment of electrical, special safety and fire prevention systems and of the external scenographic lighting electrical system; renovation of the toilets for the public and for the workers; conservative restoration of the gallery and part of the internal archways; reorganization of the spaces used by the Arena Foundation, necessary for the realization of the events organized by the foundation itself; museum redevelopment for greater use of the monument both in summer and in winter. The peculiarity of the site is that it must take place in the months from November to March, to allow the opera season, shows and concerts to take place during the summer.
  • Verona Municipality
  • Design Verification
  • 2018
  • Verona
  • Restoration

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Venaria Reale

Independent Engineering Services during Design and Construction Fases