City of Health and Research

City of Health and Research

The creation of the "City of Health and Research" in Milan will bring together the National Cancer Institute and the Besta Neurological Institute in a highly specialized, multidisciplinary center of excellence of the national health system. The facility aims to become an excellence for care and research in the fields of genomics, cell biology, biophysics, nanotechnology and bioinformatics. The "City of Health and Research" is located in the north-eastern quadrant of the Milan metropolitan area in the municipality of Sesto San Giovanni. The land area amounts to approximately 205,000 m2 where all the projects under the responsibility of the city of health and research are planned: health and support areas, technological and logistics centers, parking for employees and internal circulation. The Project aims to become a modern and efficient headquarters, with environments capable of giving an effective response to the new model of patient care.

  • ARIA S.p.A.
  • Design Verification and Site Supervision
  • 2016 - on going
  • Milan, Italy
  • Healthcare

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