Torre Intesa Sanpaolo

The Intesa Sanpaolo Headquarters in Turin, designed by Renzo Piano Building Workshop, houses the Bank's offices and operational spaces. In addition, the skyscraper has a conference center and various structures for services to people also open to the public. The part of the building that develops above ground is comparable to a rectangular building with a maximum size of 36 x 60 m. The operational and executive offices of Intesa Sanpaolo occupy the central part of the Tower. The people transport systems are concentrated in the central nucleus which constitutes the backbone of the building, within which the distribution of all the technological systems takes place starting from the power stations located in the underground part of the building and on floors 6 and 34 of the building. CONTECO has carried out various services to support the implementation including: independent engineering services during Design, Construction and Testing Fases.

  • Jacobs Italia S.p.A.
  • Independent Engineering Services during Design, Construction and Testing Fases
  • 2010-2011
  • Torino
  • Commercial/Retail

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Independent Engineering Services during Design, Construction and Testing Fases