Palazzina Briati

The project relates to the second of the lots into which the expansion of the Venice Tessera airport terminal was divided. The overall design of lot 2 are two buildings on the north and south sides of the current terminal: the north extension is intended for the new area for security gates, for the expansion of the BHS, and for Schengen passengers; the southern extension is intended for non-Schengen passengers. Once the work is completed, the terminal will measure approximately 159,400 square meters. The intervention envisages, on the one hand, the expansion of the passenger terminal with new surfaces equal to approximately 36,400 gross square meters through the construction of a new volume - on the other hand, the requalification of the existing spaces of the current departure and arrival halls, through the redistribution some functional areas.
  • SAVE S.p.A.
  • Design Verification
  • 2015
  • Venice, Italy
  • Infrastructure

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