Seafront redevelopment

Restructuring of the seafront of the coast of San Girolamo - Fesca in the Municipality of Bari. Strongly aimed at enhancing the resource of the sea as an element of regeneration of a working-class neighborhood and up to now peripheral of Bari, the project provides protection from the erosive action of the sea and construction of primary urbanizations that are absent or lacking today, such as the public lighting network and the rainwater collection and disposal network. From an architectural and landscape point of view, the project of the new sea front of the San Girolamo district is conceived as a real urban promenade. The strip between the buildings and the beach, now almost entirely occupied by the driveway, is intended for cycle and pedestrian use.
  • Municipality of Bari
  • Design Verification
  • 2014 - 2015
  • Bari
  • Infrastructure
    Environment, Industrial, Plants

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