3° Macrolotto SS106

The route of the new S.S.106 Jonica develops from the graft with the S.S.534 (km 365+150 of the current S.S.106) to Roseto Capo Spulico (km 400+000 of the current S.S.106). Megalotto 3 is one of the key elements in the Corridor transformation project Jonico in a 30-communication road infrastructure with connection function the Ionian coasts of Calabria, Basilicata and Puglia. The S.S.106 "Jonica" in fact, has a fundamental function of connecting not only national and international interest, but represents a necessary connection between the different cross-cutting guidelines.  The work consists of 15 bridges and viaducts, 3 natural tunnels, 11 artificial tunnels, retaining walls, pile bulkheads, 12 overpasses, 26 underpasses and underpasses, several hydraulic manholes, a seventy interfered roads, 5 junctions, widespread interventions of landscape insertion and mitigation in addition to compensatory and archaeological redevelopment works.

  • Sirjo S.C.p.A.
  • Design Verification
  • 2013 - 2019
  • Cosenza
  • Infrastructure

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